When to See an Eye Care Specialist

Have you noticed changes in your vision? Perhaps you’re wondering if your prescription still suits your needs.

Your eyes require regular check-ups from an eye care specialist. What you view, read, and do regularly can affect the health of your eyes. They’ll also keep you aware of any developing medical issues.

In this brief article, we’ll discuss the signs that it’s time to see an optometrist. Keep reading to learn more.

Frequent Headaches

Migraine or tension headaches can be an indication that your eyes are strained or that there are problems with your vision. If you have frequent, recurrent headaches restricted to the forehead, temples, and back of the head, it could be due to eye strain.

If your headaches are a result of astigmatism or presbyopia, the specialist can provide corrective lenses to help improve your vision, alleviate the headaches, and provide clear, comfortable vision.

Blurred or Distorted Vision

Blurred vision is a result of reduced clarity of vision that may be caused by a variety of reasons, ranging from nearsightedness to presbyopia to cataracts and glaucoma. Distorted vision is due to a disruption of the normal focusing of light on the retina. It can be caused by refraction errors in the eye, such as astigmatism.

In some cases, it may result from certain eye conditions such as strabismus or keratoconus. Seeing an eye care specialist is essential for determining whether the blurred or distorted vision is caused by an eye condition that needs to be treated, and proper vision tests must be done to rule out any serious underlying causes.

Seeing Floaters or Flashes of Light

Floaters are specks that seem to move around the field of vision and can be seen when looking at a plain-colored or white surface. Flashes of light, on the other hand, are swift streaks of light that linger in front of one’s sight. Both floaters and flashes of light usually appear when the vitreous, a jelly-like substance that fills the inside of the eyeball, shrinks and separates from the back and sides of the eyeball.

As this separation happens, the vitreous deforms and casts shadows onto the retina, resulting in floaters, or pulls on the retina, prompting the brain to send flashes of light. To be sure, it is essential to get one’s eyes checked if either phenomenon is occurring.

Sensitivity to Light

Many suffer light sensitivity due to ocular irritation, dry eyes, or inflammation. Light sensitivity can also be a symptom of a variety of serious eye diseases that require proper diagnosis and treatment. Bright lights and sunlight can cause serious discomfort, including tearing, squinting, headaches, and eye pain.

Staring at digital devices like computers and cellular phones can also cause light sensitivity. If the issue does not resolve itself, the individual should make an appointment with an eye care specialist.

A comprehensive eye exam will help diagnose and treat the underlying causes of sensitivity to light. Treatment for light sensitivity may include eye drops, prescription sunglasses, or in more serious cases, corrective lenses or surgery.

Seeing a Halo Around Lights

Seeing a halo around lights can be an indication of worsening eyesight and a sign to seek an eye care specialist. Though it can be normal for people to see halos around lights as they aged, an excessive halo around lights or misrepresentation of them can be a symptom of certain medical conditions like refractive errors, high levels of short or long-sightedness, or astigmatism. Therefore, if you suddenly see a halo and it is not usual for you, you should see an eye care specialist immediately.

An eye exam is necessary to decide the halo’s actual cause and discuss the condition as soon as possible. If left untreated, it can worsen your vision and affect your daily activities. 

Seeing Double

Seeing double can result from either blurred vision or eye movement. An eye exam may be able to detect any ocular diseases or conditions, such as a refractive error, convergence insufficiency, or strabismus.

A variety of treatments like glasses and contact lenses, as well as exercises, can help in correcting double vision. There are medications and, in more serious cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the sight.

If you have experienced seeing double, it is important to see an eye care specialist right away to get an accurate diagnosis, as this could be indicative of an ocular or neurological issue.

Severe Redness or Itching

If you have severe redness or itching in or around your eyes, it is a sign that you should make an appointment with an eye care specialist. It could be an indication of mild allergies, or it could be something more serious, like Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) or an Eye Infection.

Uncontrolled redness and eye irritation could also be a sign of an underlying medical condition. An ophthalmologist will perform a comprehensive eye exam to find the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is important to seek help right away to avoid worsening symptoms and to keep your eyes healthy.

Difficulty Seeing at Night

Severe redness or itching in the eyes should always be evaluated by a doctor if it occurs suddenly or persists for more than a few days. Do you think to yourself, “my eye hurts when I blink?” It’s most likely caused by dryness, infection, or other irritation from things like dust, wind, or exposure to the sun.

An eye care specialist can diagnose the issue and advise on how to treat the eye. This could include eye drops or ointments to soothe the eye and a plan to reduce the amount of exposure the eye has to irritants.

In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Regardless, it is best to consult an eye care specialist if you experience severe redness or itching as soon as you can.

Do You Need to See an Eye Care Specialist Immediately?

Seeing an eye care specialist can be beneficial for identifying and preventing common eye issues. Remember that regular eye exams are key for maintaining your eye health.

If you experience any changes in your vision, schedule an appointment with an eye care specialist today. Remember, early detection and treatment can protect your vision for years to come!

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