To Selena, With Love – By Chris Pérez

To Selena, With Love – By Chris Pérez

Chris’s amazing story, To Selena, With Love PDF, presents a unique look into Selena’s earnestness and weakness . While experiencing passionate feelings for, while being strong and committed to pursue.  That affection, and demonstrating outright flexibility in finding harmony and predictability.  With her family’s acceptance of the man she called her better half.

Are you ready to read this amazing biography?

To Selena, With Love  – Review and Details:

To Selena, With Love Ebook offers a voice so real, so authentic, and thus fair that readers cannot resist . The urge to cry, grin, lament, mourn, and celebrate close by with Chris. On this incredibly touching endeavor. As well as readers and critics, this book received high praise.

Chris Pérez’s biography, To Selena With Love PDF, is a popular biography. It was first published on March 6, 2012. This biography belongs to the category of biographies and autobiographies. GoodReads has rated the book 4.6 stars.

Analyze the plot:

Selena was out and out an all wonder of herself with her vast fan following. Seen as one of the most convincing and venerated whizzes in Latin music history. In the wake of her homicide, she robbed the universe of her ability and unfathomable potential, . Her close-knit group of their darling holy messenger, and Chris Perez of the most incredible love he has ever known. Over the past decade, Chris held on to the only thing he had left from his deceased spouse: his extremely private memories of their contacting and often agonizing relationship.

About the Author (Christopher Gilbert Pérez):

Pérez is best known for playing lead guitar for Selena y Los Dinos, an American Tejano band. He is an American guitarist, songwriter, and author. 1992 was the year he married the frontwoman of the group, Selena. His parents, Gilbert Pérez and Carmen Medina, raised him in San Antonio, Texas. Shelly Lares’ band hired him in 1986. Pérez was considered an expert guitarist by the late 1980s. This attracted A.B. Quintanilla’s attention, since he was looking for another guitarist for Selena y Los Dinos, his band. After joining the band, Pérez and Selena began dating within one and two years.


Roger Garcia left the music business in 1989 after he married and became a father. An extended family member of the group’s bassist, A.B. group’s bassist, A.B. bassist of the group, A.B. Quintanilla III, had heard good things about Pérez from other Tejano groups. The rest of the band watched Pérez rehearse with Shelly. During one of Selena y Los Dinos’ performances, Quintanilla invited Chris to join the band. Los Dinos’ sound made him decide to accept, since it was more “hip and sophisticated” than other Tejano bands, and he hoped to learn more about musical arrangements from A.B., whose work he admired.

Relationship with Selena[edit]

A.B. Pérez and Selena composed the Coca-Cola commercial jingle for Selena. Following the commercial’s acceptance and Selena’s filming, A.B. arranged a vacation for the band in Acapulco, Mexico. Although he had a girlfriend in San Antonio, Pérez realized he was attracted to Selena and decided to distance himself from her. However, he found it difficult and decided to build a relationship with her. Soon after, they became a couple after they expressed their feelings for each other at a Pizza Hut restaurant. They hid their relationship from her father out of fear that Abraham would try to break them up.This stressed Selena, who did not want to hide her feelings.


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